Membership Policy

General Membership Policies

  • Only one membership is permitted per person. If we find that a member has multiple membership accounts, we reserve the right to cancel all memberships without refund.
  • Memberships are non-refundable.
  • Memberships may not be sold and/or transferred.
  • Membership benefits are subject to change at any time.
  • Members are responsible for updating their contact information and mailing address in their Ten Club account settings and address page.
  • To be eligible for a ticket sale, members must be active the day before the sale is announced. If you are not already a current paid member the day before a ticket sale is announced, you will not be eligible for that sale. However, you will be eligible for any other ticket sales that may come up during your membership year.
  • Bootleg download codes are valid for one year or for as long as your membership remains current. Good for one-time use on a free MP3 or $12.99 off other digital download formats. These cannot be used for CDs.
  • 2022 Analog members were responsible for redeeming their membership item before their membership item code expired on February 1, 2023. 
  • If we determine a membership has been purchased for the sole purpose of purchasing and reselling tickets, Ten Club reserves the right to cancel the ticket order and membership without refund.
  • Ten Club reserves the right to terminate forum posting privileges to any members not following the forum rules and posting guidelines.
  • Ten Club reserves the right to refuse service without refund to any members breaking rules or abusing their membership privileges.
  • Ten Club reserves the right to amend this policy as needed.

Membership Renewal Policy

A Ten Club membership is considered delinquent on the exact date of expiration. If the membership is not renewed, all membership benefits will stop on the expiration date.

Membership benefits apply to the benefits offered at the time of your membership purchase or renewal.

NOTE: Ten Club has a 90-day grace period in place to retain your membership number which dictates your seniority in the fan club. If it has been more than 90 days from the expiration date of your last membership, you will be assigned a new member number. The 90-day grace period only pertains to keeping your member number and does not pertain to membership benefits.

Auto-Renewal/Recurring Payment

All memberships purchased after June 3, 2012, require a valid credit/debit card on file in order for us to process annual membership renewals. The card on file will be charged on your renewal date when your membership automatically renews.

Declined Auto-Renewal/Recurring Payment

If the card on file is not valid at the time of renewal (e.g. due to insufficient funds or credit or an expired card), you will receive an email notification. You will have 24 hours to update your payment information before the site tries again to renew your membership. The site will make 3 total attempts (once every 24 hours) to process your card for your renewal. If the final attempt fails, you will be sent an email letting you know that your membership could not be renewed and has expired.

Renewing Expired Memberships Within 90 Days

For memberships expired fewer than 90 days, the delinquent account may be renewed by logging in to the expired account and purchasing a new membership. Membership benefits will start up again on that date of payment and members will keep their last member number.

Renewing Expired Memberships After 90 Days

For memberships expired more than 90 days, delinquent accounts can be renewed by logging into the expired account and purchasing a new membership. Membership benefits will start up again on that date of payment. A new member number will automatically be assigned and all seniority will be lost. For special circumstances regarding an account that has been inactive for less than one year, please contact us. 

Ten Club reserves the right to amend this policy as needed.

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