For security reasons, this is something we must update on our end. Please contact us for assistance. Include your new legal name, the name your account is presently under, and any additional information associated with your account such as your mailing address.
To change your mailing address, you'll want to log in and go to My Account and select Address. From here you can edit an existing address, add a new address, or delete an outdated address.
Update Email Address
Log in and go to My Account and select Account Settings. From this page, simply enter your new email address and hit the 'Save' button.
An email will be sent to the address you have entered with an activation code, so please check that you have entered your new email address correctly. If you do not receive the verification email, please check your junk/spam folder or try doing a search for
If you have typed in your new email address incorrectly, please contact us and we will assist you.
Change Password
Log in and go to My Account and select Account Settings. From this page, just enter your current password followed by your new desired password and hit the "Save" button.
Please note: Strong passwords should be a minimum of 6 characters combining numbers, letters (lower and upper case), and symbols (!@#$%^&_). An example of a strong password is: 10Club=love